Hitotsu, Karate-do no shuygyowa isssho de-aru- Karate is a lifelong pursuit
True Shotokan Karate is not measured on how many medals or trophies are collected nor is it the rank you want to hold, as these are just short term goals and does not benefit the individual and the organization as a whole. True Shotokan Karate can be only be seen as a life long pursuit, just like one of the precepts found in Master Funakoshi's Niju Kun. It is a pursuit of perfection in mind, body and soul inside the dojo and how one carries themselves in everyday life.
It is this motto that is near and dear to Head Instructor Effered Munoz ,who started his Karate career in 1989. Though at the start, there was a reluctance to join any form of martial arts, it was however his father who pushed Sensei Effered and his younger brother to stay and continue training as he saw something in the organization that was good and beneficial for his two sons. Like many journeys, none is perfect. Encountering several stumbling blocks in his karate training, Sensei Effered continues what was instilled many years ago by his father by returning along with his three boys, what he calls "home", the JKA of Manitoba.
Having spent many years training and competing at the provincial and national stage, it will be the experience and knowledge that the northwest segment of Winnipeg will have as "Keepers of Karate's Highest Tradition". Ous!!